
Jesus wants to punch sissy pinkos

Can a Christian be a liberal? Hells no, says evangelical meathead Doug Giles.

What I love most about this piece is how thoroughly he has absorbed the Newt Gingrich playbook in terms of using this set bracket of negative words to describe anything he wants people to hate. Dig: "bizarre", "thugs" (twice!), "Christophobic", "naive", "aggressive" (three times!), "ludicrous" (twice!), "anti-Christian", "lascivious", "rabid", "vapid", "freak", "putrid", "hedonistic", "weird", "goons", "odious", "feckless", and my favorite, "pro-Holocaust-like". Add to it comparisons to Nero, Caligula, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Osama bin-Laden, Benito Mussolini, and the Mafia, and that's good dipshittery!

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