
What you're missing if you don't pay close attention to this amazing individual

Conservative dingleberry David Horowitz appears on an MSNBC talk show to call Citizens for Legitimate Government founder Michael Rectenwald pro-terrorist Nazi scum. Host Contessa Brewer mildly scolds Horowitz for namecalling, and Horowitz SLAMS BACK WITH A ZINGER!

HOROWITZ: You have no respect for disagreement, like all totalitarians --

RECTENWALD: I'm sorry, you're the one that wants to get rid of difference...

HOROWITZ: This man is a communist. He is a pro-terrorist, and he is a menace.

RECTENWALD: We need to protect unpopularity. That's what we need to protect in this country.

BREWER: All right. OK, here's what we're not going to do, is to call guests names on the air.

RECTENWALD: Thank you very much.

BREWER: That's not going to happen.

HOROWITZ: Yeah, all right, he called me a right-winger!

(NOTE: At no point in the interview did Rectenwald or anyone call the blatantly right-wing Horowitz, who has written several books complaining about how right-wingers like himself are excluded voices on campus, a right-winger. But hey, IF THEY HAD, calling a self-identified right-wing conservative a right-winger is certainly as bad as calling someone a totalitarian communist pro-terrorist menace, right?)

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