
Faggot Watch

Over at Town Hall, Matt Barber offers one of the more, er, unique interpretations of Ann Coulter's CPAC laff-lines we've heard to date:

Perhaps Coulter...intended not only to question John Edwards’ political machismo but to suggest that America’s self-appointed thought police stop trying to force those who dare to violate their politically correct word-code into Orwellian, re-education “rehab” camps. When Coulter spoke last Friday, everyone heard the word “faggot.” But if you take her words – abrasive as they were – in their full context, she was apparently just telling the left to back off and “bag it.”

So really, when you look closely, the Anntichrist was not so much tarring a presidential candidate with a horrid homophobic slur as she was pleading for liberals to cease their forcible internment of the poltically incorrent in prison camps. Barber is also a big defender of Coulter's asinine claim that she was merely calling Edwards wussy and effeminate; Barber himself is a "like-minded man" with Concerned Women for America and thus completely confident in his own masculinity, which allows him to stand by such comments.

Jon Sanders admits it was wrong to call Edwards a faggot even though he is kinda fruity and girly, while the Medfly condemns her not for using the slur, but for making the G.O.P. look bad. (Besides, says the Medfly, it's crazy to call Edwards a faggot, because he's got a wife and kids!)

Lest you fear that there isn't enough raging homophobia and rampant point-missing going on, I beg of you to read the comments sections for any of those links, which will help you understand why there's no way in hell Coulter isn't getting invited back to CPAC next year.

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